You are invited to a Free Nutrition Seminar where you will learn how to fuel your body, fire up your metabolism, release unwanted fat and get the most results from your exercise program. The seminar is free to anyone who is not getting a desired result from their current eating plan, is confused about what to eat, wants to take their body to the next level or wants to prevent disease, live longer stronger years and age beautifully.
Invite your friends, mature children and anyone who is going to support you in your efforts to eat and live well.
Below are some of the topics that will be covered in the session.
- The Answers to Fat Loss
- The Facts about Fat Loss
- Learning how to Nourish and Support your Body
- Understanding food Labels Positive Behavior Changes
- Supplements
- What we really want
- 3 Pre Requisites for Change
- What Happens to a Typical Dieter
- What is Metabolism
- Are All Calories created equal?
- Exercise – how to maximize your efforts
- Setting and Achieving Goals
- Change
You will have the tools to drop several clothing sizes by attending this seminar alone. There are no supplements or special foods to buy. You will simply come to understand how to eat to live, to energize your body, repair your body, prevent disease and enjoy the process.
Attending this seminar will have a positive influence on the results you experience in camp. If you want to get the most results out of the next 4 weeks, plan to attend this 1 hour empowering nutrition seminar.
Your instructor is a Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach, and Certified Personal Trainer.