Lafayette Adventure Boot Camp Registration
Option A: Print this page and mail it in with payment.
If paying by check, please make check out to:
Oakland Adventure Boot Camp
1112 El Curtola
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
Phone: (925) 285-5869
Option B: Fill out the form below and Click on SUBMIT.
If registering online
Fill out the online form below to register via internet.
Click on Submit to go to the payment page.
Payment Page: Pay via PayPal using a credit card or by transferring funds.
A PayPal account is not required to pay via PayPal.
*Transaction fee applied when using a credit card.
NOTE: Spaces fill quickly for this unique experience. We cannot guarantee your space until we have received payment.
RETURNING CAMPERS: Please read the following statement: I have attended boot camp within the last 6 months and there are no changes to my personal or medical information that the Oakland Adventure Boot Camp and its instructors need to be aware of for the safety of my well being. Returning Campers Register Here.